Vítame Vás v Abi´s School
Abi´s School – language school was established in 2003 acc. To trade licence No. ZO -2003/01556/2/LEN in the trade registry Office Levice. We are specialized in teaching English as a foreign language to children, teenagers, and adult by Cambridge English Assessment. I myself hold the prestigious certificates of Cambridge Certificate FCE a CAE. I took exams in 1996 at Edinburgh Stevenson College.
Welcome to my website – private language school Abi´s school & computers.
About me.
My full name is Mészárosová Hroncová, but my students call me JUDY. I studied English as a foreign language in Great Britain and successfully passed FCE B2 in 1995 and CAE C1 in 1996.
Since 2003 I have been a private English teacher in my language school. In 2006 and 2007 I had a chance to employee highly qualified English teachers from Australia. They taught primary children as well as Business English for adults.
Since 2007 I have been specialized in teaching teenagers – Maturita B1-B2 preparation and pre school children from age 3 by learning English while singing. The courses are run from SEPTEMBER to JUN – 10 month. Students can improve their language skills in speaking, listening, writing a reading. At the end of the course they are evaluated and given a certificate of their English language level.
Since 2011 I am a Cambridge English Preparation centre and prepare students from Cambridge exams: YLE Starter A0, Mover A1, KET for schools A2, FCE B2. Students can take these exams in Eku Inštitút – Certified Examination Centra of Cambridge. The exam fees are YLE about 60€, KET for schools about 100€ and FCE about 180€.

Students are able to use laptops on the lessons, where the language skills are tested on CD ROMs. These CD ROMs are the part of extra exercises to course books. Students take exams twice a year, in November and in May.
Grammar – we use a very popular grammar book written by Cambridge University Press author Raymond Murphy.
In summer there is a possibility to start summer intensive course – from JULY to AUGUST. Students can practise their speaking, or prepare for MATURITA exams, Bussiness English or others acc. to client requirement.
In summer months I run daily children´s camps. In camps we have English for 1,5 hour every day, do some sport football or tennis, ride a horse and do some archery, write and post postcards to families, play typical Scouting games and camp usually ends with pizza party.
TRANSPETROL a.s., M&M Elektro s.r.o., Kovács Zsolt – Kovex, Green Trade s.r.o., Mediatec Roman Dobos, JAHO Elektro, Szölösiová-Löwyova Judita Judy´s aerobic, Fragicslov s.r.o., Zamperla s.r.o., Pigagro s.r.o., Gorin s.r.o., BBOX computers s.r.o., ABIES – Ivaničová Marcela, Mgr., Tiplive s.r.o.